The truth is women can use cologne

just as men can use perfume.

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Jewell ~ Wood Shop
Inspired By My Daddy

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Dave ~ Walk in the Woods
Inspired By My Son-in-Law

Dab.  Don't Rub.

Avoid rubbing.  

Rubbing your wrist together dulls top notes 

(the scents you smell in the first five minutes of applying cologne).

Rubbing mixes the perfume vigorously with your natural oils which can change the way it smells.

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Joshua ~ Clean Cotton
Inspired By My Grandson

Your skin is made up of a combination of 

acids, fats, proteins, sugars and water 

that can change the way your cologne smells on you.

Stress, diet, medication and even age can also affect 

how a scent interacts with your skin.

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Inspired By Actual Humans In My Tribe

Seven Men's Colognes in Refillable Glass Bottles
Natural Ingredients: 
Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil + Quality Essential Oils

Apply on Pulse Points

Your neck, wrists, backs of knees emit more heat than other parts of your body.

Heat actually activates and maximizes your cologne and perfume.

A pulse point is an area on your body where your heart pulse can be felt.  

These are the best spots to apply scent due to the warmth of your blood.

The points are located behind your ear, at the bottom of your throat, on your wrist, inside your elbow and behind your knee.

The best time to apply cologne or perfume is directly after the shower when your skin is free from dirt. 

If you can't shower before applying cologne or perfume apply a non-scented lotion (like coconut oil) first. The better you moisturize your skin, the longer your scent will last.

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Benjamin ~ New Car Leather
Inspired By My Son

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Caleb ~ Fresh Outdoors
Inspired By My Grandson

Find a fresh new scent.

Choose from our seven men's colognes 

& our eleven women's perfumes.

Wear masculine and feminine fragrances.









Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Inspired By Actual Humans In My Tribe

Seven Men's Colognes in Refillable Glass Bottles
Eleven Women's Perfumes in Refillable Glass Bottles
Natural Ingredients:  Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil + Quality Essential Oils

Read about our women's perfumes on previous blogs.

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Inspired By Actual Humans In My Tribe

Eleven Perfumes in Refillable Glass Bottles
Natural Ingredients:  Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil + Quality Essential Oils

Flower petals from my Heartland garden
 are inside some glass bottles.

Colognes enhance attraction and allure.

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Joshua ~ Clean Cotton
Inspired By My Grandson

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Seven Men's Colognes in Refillable Glass Bottles
Natural Ingredients:  Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil + Quality Essential Oils

Express yourself each day with one of our unique fragrances.

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Dave ~ Walk in the Woods
Inspired By My Son-In-Law

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Ed ~ Green Grass

A trend for 2023 is the desire for soothing scents that combine comfort and unlock a pleasurable memory.

Musk, vanilla and powder all evoke feelings of nostalgia.

I love the scent of Baby Powder.  It brings back beautiful memories of times with my babies and grandbabies.

Mary Marcia Making Scents in KC
Scent:  Theodore ~ Baby Powder
Inspired By My Great-Grandson

It's great to be noticed and be complimented on your perfume and cologne 

but wearing fragrances to please yourself is an ongoing trend.  

Sometimes it's not just about being noticed.

It's about feeling better.

Wear it because you LOVE it.

Signature Scent:  Jewell ~ Wood Shop
I created this scent to honor my father,
Jewell Edward Bush. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Come back often and invite your friends.

Always Grateful.

Always Learning.

Flawed But Fabulous.

Mary Marcia

Artist, Author and Storyteller


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