Today I had an appointment with my primary care physician.  In addition to regular checks & labs the male triage assistant gave me a cognitive test.  My first one.

I heard him say:  “I’m going to give you a Glock.”

Me:  “A Glock?”

He:  “A clock.”

Me:  “You better check my hearing, too.”

He asked me to fill in the clock numbers on a blank circle which I did easily.  After all I taught Kindergarten and preschool for decades. Then I decided to show off and drew the hands on the clock for the time of 3:00.  

He:  “Oh, no!  I’m supposed to ask you to draw the hands of the clock for 10 minutes after 11 o’clock.”

I drew the hands for 11:10.  He crossed out my original 3:00 drawing and wrote a note on the paper so whomever judges my cognitive ability will understand I actually got it right but jumped the gun before instructions were given.  

Me: “Could you give this cognitive test to Joe Biden and a Gen Z-er?  I’m pretty sure neither could draw or read a clock unless it was digital.”

He:  “No comment.”

He:  “I’m going to give you three words and you repeat them back to me:  River.  Nation. Finger.”

Me:  “River.  Nation. Finger.”

He:  “Good.”

We talked.  I thought the test was over. He closed my file.

He:  “Now what were those three words?”

Me:  “Finger.  Nation…and I can’t remember the other.”  

I’m thinking, “Shit.”

He opened my file and wrote something.   Whatever he wrote - it’s now on my permanent medical record.

Immediately I remembered the Seinfeld episode (A DIFFICULT PATIENT) where Elaine spied on her own medical chart and discovered a note saying she was a difficult patient.  Her doc said she shouldn’t have read her medical chart.

This isn’t a sit-com.  It’s my life and the rules have changed.  I have every right to see what’s on my medical chart.  Mine says I couldn’t remember  RIVER.

Always Grateful..
Always Learning.
Flawed & Fabullous.

Mary Marcia L. Norwood

Author & Storyteller


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